What is EnginFrame ?
NICE EnginFrame is an advanced web front-end for accessing technical and scientific applications on-premises and in the cloud, by presenting applications as services consumed in a standard web browser by technical computing users in Oil&Gas, Automotive, Aerospace, Medical, Financial Services and Research markets.
NICE EnginFrame enables HPC users to get the job done faster, without facing the complexity of the underlying computing infrastructure. Users can interact with a secure, intuitive, service-oriented interface to their HPC clusters, data, licenses, batch & interactive applications.
Built on over 20 years of experience and innovation in HPC and remote visualization, NICE EnginFrame helps traditional HPC infrastructure to evolve into self-service Private, Hybrid and Public HPC Cloud.”
For who ?
Since more than 20 years, NICE EnginFrame has helped hundreds of customers worldwide, including many Fortune 2000 customers in Automotive, Aerospace, Oil&Gas, Pharmaceutical, Financial Services, Government and Education, to increase their users productivity.